L’émission Métal au sens large (Rock, FM, Progressif, Hard, Heavy, Thrash, Death et le Flashback) !
01-steel bars- How Can We Be Lovers
02-ronnie atkins-Trinity
03-hell in the club- Sidonie
05-nitrate- Wild In The City
06-robledo-Real World
07-houston-She’s Out With A Gun
08-icon of sin-Black Sails And Dark Waters
09-kings crown-Still Alive
10-degreed- Resist the Urge
11-kent hilli- Saving Us
12-sarayasign- Everdying Night
13-vega-33’s And 45’s
14-Coronatus – Dark Ice
15-FIREWIND – Orbitual Sunrise (live)
16-edge of paradise- Basilisk
17-Gothminister – I Am The Devil
18-scream maker- A NAIL IN THE HEAD
20-withering scorn-Never Again
21-heroes and monsters-Blame
22-the mystical hot chocolate endeavors-How Much Longer
23-neal morse-The Dreamer Overture-Prologue Before The World Was
Article publié le 11 septembre 2023